why do hound dogs stink

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Why Do Hound Dogs Stink So Bad? - Blurtit Why Dose My Cats Poop Stink So Bad I Can Smell It Through Our Whole House? My Basset Hound Has A Bad Leg What Should I Do? What Can I Do About My Dogs Bad
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16 Apr 2007 I have a pair of 7 year old Pekingnese dogs that I got from the SPCA last June. They have dry skin and do the itchy-scratchy thing that we
24 Aug 2009 How do I make my basset hound stink less? Obviously we bathe her, but within a few days she stinks again. Its not like a normal dog stink
Hound dogs/mixed breeds smell "doggy" because the smell helps neutralize their some dogs just stink. Do you feed him cheap food, and table scraps? that
Stinky Dog. We have an old basset hound we adopted 5 years ago. What can I do next? Add your own comment; Ask your own question; Join the Mamapedia
1 article on Why some dogs stink. Indoor exercise for dogs · How to treat your dog's paw pad injury · Dog breed: Walker Hound · Facts about the RSPCA
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12 Dec 2004 After 15 minutes or so the stink subsides and she's tolerable again. My friend used to have a basset hound, a breed known for being stinky. dogs who do not have naturally oily coats should not smell), but a dog
13 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 26 Dec 2008As soon as a hound dog dries it will still smell. My dogs don't stinkyeah , they do for a little while, but start washing a dog all
Basset hounds are loyal dogs and make good family pets, even for households that do not have large How Do I Control Ear Infections in a Basset Hound? Why Does a Dog Stink After a Bath? Dog ownership is rewarding in many ways.
eHow | How To Do Just About Anything How To Do Just About Everything If your dog has very long ears (like a basset hound or cocker spaniel),
bassad hounds ALWAYS STINK! my ex neighbor has one OMG when i went to her house boy dogs do smell unless there privates get washed every day you should
29 Apr 2008 How do I fix this problem and why do they stink so bad? They are very clean dogs ! Hound Group Dog Breeds. • Arizona Basset Hound Rescue
Since the secretion smells so bad, it is a good idea to do this at bath time. Newfoundland + Basset Hound Newfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial
Thanks for the tip on the dog food. I've taken SweetPea into the vet and the vet says she looks fine that 'hounds' are stinkier. I do clean her ears every
We call her our stinky coon hound, but she is in our eyes the best dog ever. As for the smell I have found a few remmidies on line that do help with the
Dogs Question: Why Do Dogs Stink? Why Do Both Of My Dogs Lick Their Feet Excessively And Their Feet Stink Like Corn Chips? Do You Stink?
25 Nov 2009 Dog Breeds question: Do basset hounds ears stink? Only if they get infected, which will happen if you don't clean them properly.
How do we deal with stinky dogs? Here are simple remedies to cure our dog's foul odor.Why are there dogs that have a very foul odor?
Dog Breeds question: Do basset hounds ears stink? Only if they get infected, which will happen if you don't clean them properly.
Hound Dog Thursday. Thursday, December 10, 2009. Hound Dog Thursday With Charlie Dog. Yes, I know I stink. Stop reminding me that I stink, woman! Martha & Bailey xxx ps do you have a houndette in your life?
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24 posts - 22 authors - Last post: 23 Nov 2009I think I read where hound dogs have the strongest smell. . man, if the dog don't stink, it don't really count as a dog! I do think dogs have a more powerful odor than cats donaturally.
17 posts - 13 authors - Last post: 11 Nov 2009[Archive] Bassett Hound smells Dogs. Anal glands themselves do not cause the dog to stink. If they get full, you can have the vet
Anyway, I agree, some dogs do naturally stink. laugh out loud . and Max has always just smelled a little of dust but Sassy was a stinky old hound dog.
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As most of us have noticed, canines often do have a particular "doggy" odor, For example, when I was growing up, we had a seriously stinky dog named Judge Happy Hound: Develop a Great Relationship with Your Adopted Dog or Puppy