why body retains fluid

29 May 2006 I'm not sure if you are trying to retain fluid or get rid of excess fluid retained in your body. Most people enquire about trying to get rid
of this document.Sodium (salt) causes the body to retain fluid, making the heart work harder. Too much sodium can worsen symptoms such as swelling, shortness of breath and
Why does a women retain fluid during prggnancy? How much fluid should you consume during exercise? Does your body retain water when you first start exercise
People who retain fluid know just how easy it is to swell up like a sponge. the body to retain salt (sodium) and therefore to retain fluid in tissues.
22 Nov 2008 Dear XXXXXXXX,. Thank you for writing to Justanswer with your concern. There are many things that can cause fluid build up, or edema.
Whats the best way to get rid of retain fluid on body? - Yahoo ... 17 Apr 2006 when you cant get rid of fluid build up that body …
5 posts - 1 author - Last post: 7 Dec 2008Any fluid stuck in body tissues, as in edema, is probably going to remain there A diet high in sodium causes the person to retain fluid.
of this document.Sodium (salt) causes the body to retain fluid, making the heart work harder. Too much sodium can worsen symptoms such as swelling, shortness of breath and
Diseases & Conditions Question: How Can I Make Sure My Body Doesnt Retain Fluid?
30 Nov 2009 Surplus salt makes the body retain fluids, but you'll need to do more than hide the salt shaker. Steer clear of high sodium foods like hot
Uncategorized question: What blockages in the body retain fluid in the body? What blockages in the body retain fluid in the body.
7 Sep 2008 Researchers at Loughborough University in Leicestershire, UK show that the salty drinks help your body to retain fluid and therefore
Hormones released in pregnancy encourage the body to hold onto excess fluid. Pregnant women typically retain a significant amount of sodium and water.
because of the hormone Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is thought to help in cases of mild fluid retention. Salt causes your body to retain fluid , which you need
In this instance, the kidneys are fooled into thinking that the body needs to retain more fluid volume when, in fact, the body already is holding too much
19 Jul 2006 A buildup of water in your body causes weight gain. When your body retains fluid , your weight goes up. Tell your health care provider if you
Get all the information you need about your swollen feet and ankles what ccarbohydrates such as potatoes retain body fluids, including common issues and
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9 Jan 2009 Sodium is an electrolyte needed to help maintain proper fluid balance in your body. Sodium helps your body absorb and retain more water.
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When you repeatedly take laxatives, diuretics or vomit, your body will adapt to being constantly dehydrated by learning to retain more fluid than usual.
Disorders, such as cirrhosis and heart failure, can cause the body to retain sodium and fluid. Often the body retains more fluid than sodium,
Salt is a natural way to help the body retain water, which it can store and later my fluid retention during pregnancy was bad for me as well. strange,
10 Mar 2009 This will in turn cause the body to retain fluid and over time, get accumulated in the body tissues. 3. Chronic lung disease
Pregnancy - Hormones released in pregnancy encourage the body to hold onto excess fluid. Pregnant women typically retain a significant amount of sodium and
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25 Jul 2008 Fluid-replacement drinks during exercise help body retain water One advantage of a fluid replacement drink is it helps your body