why where burkas

26 Apr 2009 I just came back from a 12 day trip in Egypt, and have realized just how much Bologna has become my new home. As family life back in the US.
16 Dec 2009 Government advisers will seek to banish the garments from public buildings such as town halls and police headquarters, where it can cite
6 Oct 2006 Not everyone took kindly to the use of the burka as the ultimate symbol of patriarchy. Brownfemipower at Women of Color Blog, R. Mildred,
Subhead (DEK): Nobody's forcing them, but they want to cover up Author(s): Tamar FoxBody: Y-Love, over at Jewlicious, calls attention to a crazy new trend
I struggle with the Burka question. Is wearing the Burka an act of self- determination, or the religious oppression of Muslim women?
24 Jul 2009 We are being systematically conditioned to accept the unacceptable, be it the fanatical frenzy or prayers in public, the awful burka or the
19 Oct 2009 I'll stop bashing the Burka when it disappears from Canadian If people want to wear burkas at home and private events that is OK.
9 Jul 2009 The French President Nicolas Sarkozy says the burka is not welcome in secular France - and French politicians have now opened hearings on
Nicolas Sarkozy's ruling party has introduced a bill to outlaw the wearing of full-length Islamic veils in public places. Burkas and all-covering niqabs
9 Jan 2010 In his childhood, Toronto writer Kamal Al-Solaylee recalls a cosmopolitan, secular family from southern Yemen.
A friend of mine attended an odd wedding and shared some pictures of the new fashions. The one on the left is wearing three head coverings: one under her
4 Jul 2009 There's been much discussion on the Herald's editorial pages lately about banning burkas in Canada. I suggest that before Canada makes any
16 Dec 2009 Government advisers will seek to banish the garments from public buildings such as town halls and police headquarters, where it can cite
9 Jan 2010 In his childhood, Toronto writer Kamal Al-Solaylee recalls a cosmopolitan, secular family from southern Yemen.
why i hate the gays
22 Jun 2009 While the burka is a wretchedly uncomfortable garment, and one that few (one must assume) would voluntary wear, I think it best left to the
100+ posts - 42 authors - Last post: 12 Aug 2009http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D98VP85G1&show_article=1Interesting.. ..
why do we have growth spurts
7 Oct 2009 While the burka disturbs me, the concept of the government telling people what they can and can't wear disturbs me more.
Quebec Voting Rules: Niqabs, Burkas, Veils Allowed. Spokesman John Enright said Thursday women wearing niqabs or burkas can bring a piece of

21 Aug 2009 I'm fascinated by burkas. What their purpose is, what it's like wearing one, women who're forced into them, the controversies they cause.
9 Jan 2010 In his childhood, Toronto writer Kamal Al-Solaylee recalls a cosmopolitan, secular family from southern Yemen.
1 Sep 2009 Islam requires that women wear neither niqab nor burka, while public welfare emphatically requires their public prohibition.
9 Dec 2009 Traveling allows me to do one of my favorite things – people watch. Airports are amazing places to people watch, better than a mall,
7 Oct 2009 Italy is considering introducing a law which would make wearing a burka illegal.
Should Western countries have the right to impose a dress code?
24 Jun 2009 Earlier this week French President Nicolas Sarkozy denounced the practice of Muslim women wearing burkas—long loose garments that hide the