why should evolution be taught

Why is evolution taught? Should evolution be taught? Is evolution taught in Should evolution be taught in school? Why wasn't evolution taught in school?
why was abraham lincoln assasinated
3 Apr 2007 My only point is this: evolution should be taught as theory, not fact. I am not an expert, and I am not trying to convince anyone here that
11 Jan 2010 When I was in high school, there was three biology teachers. The first and the second were right. The best way to teach evolution in a
12 Nov 2007 The constant struggle against intelligent design dogma hinders efforts to prepare the next generation to understand the life sciences.
One strategy is to declare that evolution is a religion, and therefore it should not be taught in the classroom either, or that if evolution is a religion,
Children should be taught from the age of 11 that Darwin's theory of evolution is a fact, an eminent scientist has said.
There are, therefore, sound scientific and pedagogical reasons why _both_ models should be taught, as objectively as possible, in public classrooms,
Yes, on an equal basis with special creation. There's room for a lot of discussion on this subject, and debate is a good way to help students
of this document.4 Mar 2008 Evolution should not be disputed in any form and should be taught in every school in order to provide a better standard of education as it
5 May 2005 Day-by-day coverage of the evolution hearings in Kansas: The evolution of a fight to the end Live survey: What should be taught?
19 Aug 1999 Should evolution be taught in schools? To confirmed believers in evolution, the question itself is upsetting.
It would never occur to them to take their kids to a school that taught evolution. Your point by point elaboration of why evolution should be taught would,
25 Apr 2009 Perhaps one of the most prevalent debates today is whether or not evolution should be taught in schools. The theory of evolution is based on
Should Evolution Be Taught As Fact? Should evolution be taught not as fact, but as theory? Before that question can be answered, it must be established what fact and theory are.
11 Jan 2010 Do you think that the teaching of evolution in religion classes (that teach creationism) would give appropriate balance to the education of
20 posts - 15 authors - Last post: 25 Feb 2008Absolutely NO "evolution" should be taught in schools. The so-called theories of evolution have been shown to be false.
Where Evolution is Taught. Many people think that resistance to evolution is driven entirely by conservative religious doctrine. That doesn't seem to be the
23 Nov 2009 On the 150th anniversary of On the Origin of Species, an argument for teaching evolution to younger children.
Philosophy and Philosophers question: Should evolution be taught in schools and why or why not? Evolution is a theory, and because of this, it should be
Topic: Should Evolution Be Taught in Schools. Displaying all 8 posts by 3 people . Post #1. Bryan wroteon November 24, 2009 at 3:49pm
20 Feb 2009 The schools have accepted, and taught evolution and the origin of the species for decades. However, the Church teaches that humanity once
11 Jan 2010 Do you think that the teaching of evolution in religion classes (that teach creationism) would give appropriate balance to the education of
Microbiologist Carl Woese is well known as an iconoclast. Indeed, few biologists have so thoroughly shaken the tree of life as he did when he proposed that
28 Nov 2004 How should evolution be taught in schools? Teaching Charles Darwin's findings as fact. Teaching Darwin's findings as theory